PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

2024 State Leadership Workshop Information

State Leadership Workshop Registration Opens:  Thursday, August 15, 12:00 noon
Students must be in the FBLA Connect membership system before they can be registered/lodged in Blue Panda.
Students will only be imported into Blue Panda after the adviser has placed the students on an invoice AND a payment method chosen (credit card/check).
To access Blue Panda, go to:  https://app.gobluepanda.com/

Sunday/Monday, November 03-04, 2024 — Kalahari Poconos Resort
early arrival Saturday, November 02, 2024

Registration closes Saturday, September 28, 2024, at 11:59 pm
Payment “received by” deadline:  Friday, October 18, 2024
State Leadership Workshop Promotional Video

Registration Fee:  $50 per person (advisers and students)
Lodging Cost:  $268 per room (with 1-4 individuals per room), including tax and hotel fees

SLW Details (Save the Date) Document (including deadline dates, pricing, FAQs)
SLW Promotional “All In” Leadership Flyer
SLW Schedule of Events Grid (including leadership tracks, time schedules)

The base lodging is Sunday night, November 03; additional lodging may be scheduled for Saturday, November 02.  All registration and lodging must be done through Blue Panda.  All student attendees must be in the National FBLA membership system in order to be registered and lodged, and data will be imported into Blue Panda after an adviser entering members into the membership system.

All FBLA-HS (grades 9-12) and all FBLA-MS (grades 5-8) are eligible to attend.  There are no attendance restrictions/limits.

To access Blue Panda, go to:  https://app.gobluepanda.com/.  Returning advisers have maintained the same login and password that they used to register for their RLCs, SLW, SLC, and NLC.  If you are uncertain of your password (your school email address is your username), please contact Bruce Boncal, bboncal@pafbla.us, 570.279.6998 cell/texts.

Step-by-step illustrated instructions to register students and advisers/guests/chaperones in Blue Panda.


You must place your FBLA members in the National FBLA membership system before you can register anyone in Blue Panda.

  1. With the roll out of FBLA Connect, only PAID or PENDING members will display in Blue Panda to be registered. Unpaid members will not display in FBLA Connect.  That’s a big change from prior years.

Blue Panda imports members from National FBLA. Remember, you must have created “transitioned” students for members to be considered active and imported; to do that, the students must be immediately paid with a credit card or a purchase order uploaded OR marked “payment by mail” if a check is being sent.  Simply choosing students or entering a name does not make them importable unless they have been transitioned from unpaid to paid/pending status.

Once the students are imported into Blue Panda and marked paid/pending, you can register them for the SLW (and not before). You can register advisers/guests/chaperones at any time as they are not imported.

Step 1: register all your attendees before attempting any lodging

Step 2: place your attendees in housing

Step 3: click “submit” to generate an invoice.

  • You can go in and edit/change your SLW registration/housing as many times as you wish until the September 28, 11:59 pm deadline. It is not a once and done deal.


  1. Invitation to Attend the State Leadership Workshops — Exhibitors, Workshop Presenters, Advertisers
  2. Exhibitor Fees Registration
    1. Section B:  Exhibitor Registration Form — Instruction and Details
    2. Link to Section B Online Form
  3. Workshop Presentation Registration Form
    1. Section C:  Workshop Presentation Registration — Instruction and Details
    2. Link to Section C Online Form
  4. Promotional Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities Registration Form
    1. Section D:  Promotional Advertising & Sponsorship — Instruction and Details
    2. Link to Section D Online Form
  5. Guest Lodging Reservation Form
    1. Section E:  Guest Lodging Reservation Form — Instruction and Details
    2. Link to Section E Online Form

FBLA Advisers — High School and Middle School

SLW Forms (due October 20, 2024)
Forms 1-5 are to be uploaded as assets via Blue Panda

  1. SLW Combined Delegate Code of Conduct with “business casual” dress code illustrations (one per student/signature page only)
  2. SLW Student Emergency/Permission Form (one per student)
  3. SLW Adviser/Guest/Chaperone Emergency Form (one per adviser/guest/chaperone)
  4. SLW Adviser Emergency and School Administrator Contact Form (one per chapter)
  5. SLW Adviser/Guest/Chaperone Hotel/Workshop Safety Guidelines (one per adviser/guest/chaperone)
  6. SLW Delegate Code of Conduct (not including “business casual” illustrations)
  7. SLW Business Casual Dress Code Flyer
  8. SLW T-Shirt Graphic
  9. SLW Battle of the Chapters Guidelines

SLW Special Events Information

  1. SLW Basket Auction Details
  2. SLW State Project Shirt Sale
  3. SLW Red Cross Relays Flyer
  4. SLW Rubber Ducky Derby Flyer

For additional questions regarding the SLC program, please contact:
Janet Skiles
PA FBLA Conference Coordinator

For FBLA Connect or Blue Panda support, please contact:
Bruce Boncal
PA FBLA Executive Director