PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

New FBLA Adviser Registration OR Updating FBLA Adviser Contact Information

Having up-to-date contact information for advisers is essential to sharing information about FBLA and FBLA-ML programs, events, and deadlines.

New Chapter Advisers

If you are a New Chapter Adviser for which PA FBLA has no contact information, please complete this online form.  Once the information is received, your information will also be uploaded to the National FBLA my.fbla-pbl.org membership system.

If you are a New Chapter Adviser at a different school (even though you may have been at another school), please fill out this form.  It will be used to update your information with the national office.

Click here for the New Chapter Adviser Registration Form.

Advisers Changing Contact Information

If you were previously registered as chapter adviser AND remain at a school where you were registered BUT need to update your contact information, please complete the following online form.  ONLY COMPLETE the areas that changed.

If you are aware that an adviser previously registered at your school is no longer serving as a chapter adviser, please place that information in the appropriate space on the form.

Click here to Update Your FBLA Adviser Contact Information
or identify any advisers that are no longer with your chapter