PO Box 5085, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
  (570) 398-4652 Phone/(570) 737-4250 Fax

Join the PA FBLA Virtual Chapter // High School or Middle School Chapters!

The Pennsylvania FBLA Virtual Chapter offers two opportunities for members without active FBLA chapters at their schools to participate in our programs.

For students in Grades 9-12, students may complete the following online membership application to be a part of the PA FBLA Virtual Chapter–HS (high school level).  Complete the HS (grades 9-12) Virtual Chapter Application here.

  • Once the application is submitted and received by the state office, an invoice will be sent to the student AND parent for dues payment.
  • Complete this membership application ONLY if you meet the following requirements:
    • Your school does not have an active FBLA chapter, AND
    • You are:  (1) in grades 9-12, AND (2) home schooled, OR (3) enrolled in a cyber charter school, OR (4) enrolled in a brick-and-mortar charter school.
      • If you are enrolled in your own school system’s cyber program and your high school has an active FBLA chapter, you need to be a member of your school system’s FBLA chapter.
    • You are enrolled in/taking a business or business-related class, which could include classes such as English/language arts, social studies, math, etc.

For students in Grades 5-8, students may complete the following online membership application to be a part of the PA FBLA Virtual Chapter–MS (middle school level).  Complete the MS (grades 5-8) Virtual Chapter Application here.

Fast Facts About the Virtual Chapter:
High School Dues:  $16 total ($6 state, $10 national)

Middle School Dues:  $13 total ($3 state, $10 national)
Dues are paid to the PA FBLA state office.  Once dues are received, membership will be uploaded to the National FBLA office.

National FBLA High School Division Resources:

National FBLA Middle School Division Resources:

Tomorrow’s Business Leader (national magazine/digital editions)

For more information about the Virtual Chapter, feel free to reach out to Mr. Jake Sarwar, PA FBLA Virtual Chapter Coordinator, jsarwar@pafbla.us.