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Keystone Leadership Award, 2024-2025

The PA FBLA Keystone Leadership Award recognizes successful members for their continued commitment, involvement, and dedication to FBLA. This award certifies a complete FBLA education, guided by the three foundational pillars of the organization: service, education, and progress. This award is designed to acknowledge those who participate in the promotion of the 2024-2025 State Goals, Program of Work, and State Project.

Keystone Leadership Award Flyer (with details)
Keystone Leadership Award Submission Link

Who Is Eligible?

  • An active FBLA member for at least two consecutive years, including the 2024-2025 application cycle.
  • Successful completion of the requirements listed.
  • Members who have not received this award before.

What is Awarded?

  • Certificate of Achievement and a small gift.
  • If in attendance, recognition on stage at the State Leadership Conference.
  • Recognition on the Keystone Leadership Award Honor Roll published on the Pennsylvania FBLA website and in one edition of The Penn Pal (Pennsylvania FBLA’s digital newsletter).

How to Apply?

  • Complete at least 12 of the 24 items.  The first item in each pillar is required.
  • Submit the required Wufoo form with documentation found at the following link:  https://pafbla.wufoo.com/forms/zoj2ax61pj353d/
  • It is IMPERATIVE that you collect ALL information before uploading it into the WuFoo form, as you cannot save it and come back to it!

MAKE SURE YOU UPLOAD ALL THE REQUIRED FILES!  Submission deadline date:  March 1, 2025

Members will be notified at the State Leadership Conference if they have won this award. If not in attendance, the award will be given to their adviser or will be mailed to their school.

Questions? Email Hayden Schwabe, PA FBLA President – president@pafbla.net

Keystone Leadership Award Flyer (click this link to download a full copy of the document)