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National “FBLA Connect” Membership System Resource Area

FBLA Connect Resource Files
Type of Resource Materials:

FBLA Connect Training Videos Created by National FBLA

  1.  Adding Unpaid Members to Your Chapter’s Membership (video, 7.0 minutes) (advisers strongly encouraged to watch/excellent refresher)
    1. Learn how to use the “self-registration” form for new (never before) FBLA members.
      1. Previous members need to be added “manually” as their records already exist.
  2. Purchasing Membership and Paying by Check or Credit Card/Generating an Invoice (Once All Unpaid Members Are Listed in the Unpaid Student Column) (vide0, 7.5 minutes) (excellent refresher)
    1. IMPORTANT:  entering members doesn’t mean they have membership benefits access or are imported into Blue Panda.  Advisers needs to choose one of the three payment options:  (1) payment will be coming by check; (2) payment made by credit card, or (3) purchase order upload.
      1. Caution:  Do not generate a invoice for each member unless you want to submit multiple invoices to be paid by the school system.
      2. Suggestion:  Transition multiple students from the unpaid (left column) to the “pending/paid” column and then generate an invoice for payment.
      3. Remember:  Members may be entered into FBLA Connect multiple times per year and paid multiple times during the year.  The critical deadline for your chapter:  members must be in the system by the time your RLC registration closes in order to participate in the RLC competitive events.  You can pay immediately by credit card; students are immediately marked paid.  You can can pay “by check” with 60 days to get the check to National FBLA
        1. NEW FOR 2024-2025:  Any members added January 1 or later will not have a 60-day grace period to send a check to National FBLA and be marked as pending with full membership rights.  Starting January 1, a student will no longer have membership benefits/rights until the payment has been received by National FBLA.  Translation:  after January 1, a student will no longer be imported into Blue Panda until the student is marked paid by National FBLA.
          1. Implication:  If you are entering students into FBLA Connect to meet an RLC deadline that may not occur until after December 31, you will need to pay by credit card in order for students to be imported into Blue Panda to be registered for competitive events.
          2. There is no convenience fee for paying by credit card with National FBLA.
  3. Membership Benefits (Once Students are in FBLA Connect and are “Pending” or “Paid”) (video, 2.25 minutes)
    1. Watch this video is you want to monitor student progress in the Business Achievement Award Courses, among other items.
  4. Important Tools for Advisers Once Members are “Pending” or “Paid” (video, 11.75 minutes) (excellent video for advisers)
    1. Great video to learn how to use:
      1. Your chapter’s dashboard
      2. Your chapter events calendar with access to the state and national calendars
      3. Your chapters FBLA Connect “internal” mailing system
      4. FBLA Connect “forms” and how to apply privileges based on a member’s status
      5. “Announcements”
      6. Creating “folders” with your chapter downloadable documents
      7. “Courses” to monitor student progress on their participation on the Business Achievement Awards (BAAs)
      8. “Minutes” to post meeting minutes and opt to share
  5. Getting Help/how to open tickets (video, 1.25 minutes) (instructions how to open tickets with National FBLA)
    1. Advisers have the option to reach out to Bruce Boncal for support, 570.279.6998.  Bruce cannot help with invoice issues!
    2. FYI:  National FBLA tickets may not be answered immediately.
  6. Comprehensive FBLA Connect Orientation From August 2023’s Launch (video, 1 hour, 40 minutes) 

FBLA Connect Print Materials

  1. FBLA Connect Glossary
  2. FBLA Connect:  Adding Members/Paying Dues
  3. FBLA Connect:  Setting Up Your Chapter
  4. FBLA Connect:  Exporting Members
  5. FBLA Connect:  Form to Charter a New or Reactivate an Inactive Chapter

FBLA Help Center (FAQs on various FBLA areas)

  1. To create an FBLA ticket:  https://zendesk.fbla.org
  2. Topic areas also related to FBLA Connect:
    1. Membership
      1. How to Merge Open Invoices
      2. How to Remove a Graduation Cap from a Student
      3. How to Move Middle School Students to a High School Chapter
      4. Four Ways to Add New Members
      5. Create an Invoice (by transitioning members)
      6. Pay for Membership by Credit Card
      7. Pay for Membership by Check
      8. How to Graduate Students from the Unpaid List
      9. How to Create Membership Reports
      10. A Student with the Wrong Membership Status
      11. Duplicate Students on the Chapter’s Roster
      12. Adding Large Numbers of Students via Import
      13. I need a National FBLA W-9 Form for My School System to Pay Dues
  3. Topics Related to FBLA Programs:
    1. Business Achievement Awards (high school)
      1. Overview of the BAAsvideo
      2. Printing BAA Certificates
    2. LEAD Awards (middle school)
      1. Overview of LEAD Awards (middle school)
      2. Printing LEAD Award Certificates
  4. FBLA Connect for Students:
    1. Completing a Module
    2. Completed Awards
    3. FBLA Connect Programs Grace Period
    4. Accessing Programs in the Learning Center
    5. My membership is paid, but I still cannot access programs.  What to do?